Thursday, December 20, 2012

InstallShield 2010 - Dynamically update App Config File

In this blog, I will show you how to let user update app config file during installation.
I assume that you know how to add custom dialog to InstallScript Project.

-          In the Custom Dialog, we add 2 Edit Fields (TextBox) to input ContactName and Address. Give them 2 Control Identifiers 1988 and 1989.
-          Go back to the ShopInfoDialog function to make some changes.
o   Add parameters to keep the user value.
o   Handle Edit action.

// Add Define Id for edit fields
#define BTN_NEXT                        1
#define BTN_BACK                       12
#define BTN_CANCEL                  9
#define EDIT_CONTACTNAME   1988   
#define EDIT_ADDRESS                1989                        
//2 parameter for Contact and Address, using byref to take it out
prototype NUMBER ShopInfoDialog(byref string , byref string);

function NUMBER ShopInfoDialog(szContact, szAddress)  
                string                     szDlg;
                number                nReturn, nControl, nMessage, nResult;  
                HWND                  hwndDlg, hwndNext;   
                BOOL                     bDone;
    //keep the name in constant
                szDlg = "ShopInfoDialog";
                //regist the Dialog
            nReturn = EzDefineDialog(szDlg, // nickname dialog                                                       
                          "", // DLL containing the dialog’s resources         
                          "",           // name of dialog in Dialogs view
                         10); // numeric resource ID for dialog; not used here    
                if (nReturn == DLG_ERR) then
                                return -1;
                bDone = FALSE;
 while (!bDone)
                nControl = WaitOnDialog(szDlg);      
                if (nControl = -1) then
                    MessageBox("Dialog initialize -1 --> ERROR",INFORMATION);
 switch (nControl)    
       case DLG_INIT:
            // set init data                                
            //init value for edit fields
                CtrlSetText( szDlg, EDIT_CONTACTNAME,            szContact );
                CtrlSetText( szDlg, EDIT_ADDRESS,                            szAddress);
            //get handle of this Dlg and Next button
 hwndDlg = CmdGetHwndDlg( szDlg );
                hwndNext = CtrlGetDlgItem("",  hwndDlg, NEXT );
                SdGeneralInit( szDlg, hwndDlg, STYLE_BOLD, szSdProduct );
//Enable Next Button if only data was filled
EnableWindow( hwndNext, StrLengthChars( szContact ) && StrLengthChars( szAddress ));
nMessage = CtrlGetSubCommand(szDlg);
if (nMessage = EDITBOX_CHANGE) then
    //set  szContact by the value of EDIT_CONTACTNAME control
CtrlGetText(szDlg, EDIT_CONTACTNAME, szContact);
StrTrim( szContact );   
StrTrim( szAddress );   
//set Enable of Next button
                  EnableWindow( hwndNext, StrLengthChars( szContact ) && StrLengthChars( szAddress ));    
nMessage = CtrlGetSubCommand(szDlg);
if (nMessage = EDITBOX_CHANGE) then               
CtrlGetText(szDlg, EDIT_ADDRESS, szAddress);
StrTrim( szContact );   
StrTrim( szAddress );   
                   EnableWindow( hwndNext, StrLengthChars( szContact ) && StrLengthChars( szAddress ));  

case BTN_BACK:
        // user clicked Back
                        nReturn = BTN_BACK;
                        bDone = TRUE;
case BTN_NEXT: 
        // user clicked Next      
                        nReturn = BTN_NEXT;
                        bDone = TRUE;
        // user clicked Cancel; ask user to verify cancellation

  EndDialog( szDlg );
  ReleaseDialog( szDlg ); 
return nControl;

Next, we will import our App Config File.
-          Under System Configuration, choose XML File Changes.

-          At the XML Files tree, right click and import for config file. In my sample, there is only appSetting section with 2 keys.
-          For each key, give the Value Property a FieldName in ”<” and “>”. This will help us replace the text.

-          Now, go back to the OnFirstUIBefore function.
-          Declare 2 strings szContact and szAddress.
-          Go to the lable Dlg_SdEnterShopInfomation and update the block code as:

    nResult = ShopInfoDialog(szContact, szAddress);
    if (nResult = BACK) then      
                goto Dlg_SdRegisterUser;  
    if (nResult = NEXT) then      
                //Globally set <Property> to custom value
                TextSubSetValue("<ContactValue>", szContact, TRUE);    
                TextSubSetValue("<AddressValue>", szAddress, TRUE);    

Build, Run and find the config file at Application Target Folder.

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